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Нужны ли в данный момент изменения в племположении
Опрос закончился 19 янв 2012, 14:01
Да, необходимы 41%  41%  [ 20 ]
Нет, ничего менять не нужно 31%  31%  [ 15 ]
Нет, РКФ не примет 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Нет, это ничего не изменит 14%  14%  [ 7 ]
Нет, все и так хорошие, а плохие и так обманут 12%  12%  [ 6 ]
А мне и так хорошо 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Изменение племенного положения
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 17:05 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 апр 2010, 16:50
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СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 17:14 
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Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2009, 14:06
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вопрос еще возник -разрешено будет 4 беременности или 4 кесаревых,или 4 актированных помета?

Монопородный питомник бульдогов Казеевой Людмилы .
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Изменение племенного положения
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 17:20 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 апр 2010, 16:50
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Откуда: Украина, Киевская обл.

С уважением, Ниткина Юлия, пит-к "Apple-Jully"
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Изменение племенного положения
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 18:07 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июл 2008, 02:46
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Откуда: г.Гомель
Если кому то интересно,
дискуссия английских известный заводчиков и некоторых других стран,
по поводу введения им с 2012 года новых правил. 2 кесарева или 4 натуральных родов.
"радости" нет предела
Если кто то переведёт удобоваримо, было бы хорошо.
Фамилии в постах все известные, не новички.

3 ноября 2011
Grandog Davis
My bitch whelped one pup no problem !! The second one got stuck so to the vet he could not move it !! So a C section !!4live pups !!Do you think this should count as a C S ,Under the new kennel club rules ?? Don't be shy have your say .
Моя сука произвела одного щенка на свет без проблем!! Второй застрял так ветеринар не мог переместить его!! И так кесарево 4 живых щенка!! Вы думаете, что это должно считаться кесаревым По новым правилам клуба собаководов?? Не стесняйтесь высказываться.

Samantha Davies
a c section is a c section in the kennel clubs eyes i would say xx

Carol Lees ‎
2 strikes and your out,,, sigh,,,,

Didier Lesaffre
in France , it's considered as a CS , without any kind of explanation , you just can clik on CS or natural birth ;o((

Samantha Davies
i mean i do agree with this new rule they have set but......... this means alot more horrible type breeders out there are going to force these bitches to give birth naturally and put their lives at risk......just a thought xxxx

Grandog Davis
Well it's a good thing that the French are very HONEST !!

Grandog Davis
How will the KC Police it ????

Samantha Davies
i spose they are relying on the vets to inform????

Jackie Gee
Think its quite straight forward... if you're bitch has had two c sections, you don't mate her again, end of ?4

Samantha Davies
and honesty i was going to add after jackie lol

Oscar Moreno Oscarveterinario
A CS section is ALWAYS a surgery, for one, two or ten puppies

Zanybulls Maud Hoegen
We get the same rule in the Netherlands. If the bitch have a natural birth we must inform in 10 days the kennel club and then they check it. This only applies to the EB. The other breeds can still do 4 C sections.

Samantha Davies
are they going to change the rules for others breeds any time soon then maud???

Grandog Davis
I see animal rights want it to apply humans!!!

Grandog Davis
It aplys to all breeds !!

Elizabeth Hugo Milam
Crazy that a legitimate surgical procedure is called into question by anyone. Many women *choose* a c-section for themselves. Tragic how a group of people in charge can control such issues that likely don't concern them at all. C-sections in bulldogs date to the nineteen teens. The breed has managed to survive and thrive.

Alison Wyecaple
It's not even a group of people in charge it is more like pressure from interfering busy bodies who have never even owned any of the breeds thay are targeting. It' like Hitlers regime, they want all dogs to look one way end of and they will use anything they are able to lay their hands to in order to get what they want. Accarding to the world of Emma and Jemima we should only be allowed to own dogs that they like the look of !

Grandog Davis
The only way it would work is all KCreg dogs MUST !!! Be micro chipped !!so the vet can check !!!and sign the Reg form !before a litter will be regestard !!The only way then is a crooked vet !!

Alison Wyecaple
Where will it all stop, this nanny state we live in where no one is credited with common sense !

Zanybulls Maud Hoegen Samantha
The Dutch Kennel Club is looking for the other breeds in the other direction. They say that a C.section is not so frequent by the other breeds. You and I know better.

Nancy Backcornerbulldogs
i agree with Samantha because of this rules lives will be put on risk and for what?

Alison Wyecaple
At the end of the day, there are many reasons for c sections and most are nothing breed specific, it may be the size of the litter (too big or just one) or a previous litter left the bitch straining too long or a pup has each end in both tubes with it's back presenting, it may have half the litter OK and then just give up ! uterine inertia, all sorts of reasons that are not breed specific. Scaring of the uterus from previous c-sections are a problem but that is down to how many pups not how many c-sections ! But big brother knows best !

Joe Bloggz
Please someone help me out here....So you are being told that you must risk the life of your bitch AND you are being policed as to how many times you can breed her?...People that have devoted decades to the breed are now being told they no longer have the right?....If this is so I see a very grim outcome for our much loved breed....

Alison Wyecaple
Yep !

Nancy Backcornerbulldogs
Here in holland they now invited 40 bulldogs for a ct scan of pelvis and skull trachea to determine what is appropriate and what is not later on all breeders have to do the ct-scan before they can breed with the dog

Alison Wyecaple
It's all jobs for the boys and a load of old nonsense ! all this interference does the breed no favours, take hip scoring, I have seen a 0-0 and it moved like frankensteins monster, you would not have been able to put a sheet of paper between it's back legs and personally I would not have given it house room let alone shown it! (I am talkng about a gundog breed here) another example, same breed, had a 12-13 (mean average is 12) and the owner was horrified, and worried sick, that dog was one of the soundest most fabulous movers you would wish to see, it never had any problems and that may have been down to lots of excercise and good muscle tone, it was also a beatiful example of the breed. If the kennel club are going to continue to allow the opinions of idiots and Vets (the ones that use it to spin money) then why bother with dog shows, lets all just walk into the ring with our test results and Xrays and judge dogs that way, do away with breed standards and be damned. The kennel club need to look in that mirror and wipe the egg off their dumb faces !

Alison Wyecaple
What is best ! an unfortunate c-section for one outstanding puppy from two outstanding parents or 10 self whelped freaks from 2 parents with poor conformation that will lead to lives of lameness and the other problems that they seem to think are rife in the breed? this is what the kc should be asking themselves before making these sweeping and stupid rules !

Nancy Backcornerbulldogs
you are so right totally agree!!!

Alison Wyecaple
I am guessing the kennel club prefers the revenue from the 10 freaks of nature than the one that fits their breed standard ???????

[b]Nancy Backcornerbulldog[/b]s
yes they want to make the bulldog more healthy they say......

Samantha Davies
i think it may have been put into place to slow down the breeding of bulldogs i have spoke to someone who is a kennel club rep and he confirmed that they have done this for the animals protection!!!!! but like i said yesterday u are going to get a certain type of person who dosnt care about the dogs just the cash they bring in and they WILL put these bitches at risk x

Alison Wyecaple
They will still take the money from the registrations of the pooorly bred pups from backyard breeders.

Samantha Davies
yeps alison xxx

Caco Donato
Sorry Mr. Davis but. It is a CS

Caco Donato
And also as a vet, i see to many puppies die after natural birth when they got a little stuck and need a little help to get out. And always at the necropsy they say was a pneumonia, not only on Bulldogs this things

Grandog Davis
Sorry so few breeds not interested in this !!! Wait till the KC. REFUSES to register your third litter !!!!Out of your special bitch !!!

Melissa Weller
I think it's a joke we have been having 3 sections in this breed for years with no harm to the bitch. They are just looking at anyway they can to target the bulldog.

Всё. Скопировала всё полностью, ничего не удаляла.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Изменение племенного положения
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 18:55 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июл 2008, 02:46
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Откуда: г.Гомель

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СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 19:03 
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Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2009, 14:06
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А мне очень интересно .потому что у нас в стране все в зачаточном состоянии ,а на вас посмотришь ,поучаствуешь в дискуссиях и будет понятно как действовать правильно .Сорри ,конечно ,но вы первопроходцы или подопытные кролики.(шутка юмора)

Монопородный питомник бульдогов Казеевой Людмилы .
Наш сайт - http://www.bullfort.com
тел. 8-(727)3894407, 8-7471211292

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Изменение племенного положения
СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 19:05 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июл 2008, 02:46
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Откуда: г.Гомель
Наталья Михайловна, ну как откуда. Насколько я помню в Англии показали документальный фильм, о том как мучаются породные животные. Особенно те кто сильно "модифицированы" и пошло и поехало.. изменение стандарта, проблемы с выставками, вот за плем положение тоже взялись. Породники стонут от активных действий оздоровителей, но сделать ничего не могут.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 19:06 
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Зарегистрирован: 17 авг 2009, 14:06
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Монопородный питомник бульдогов Казеевой Людмилы .
Наш сайт - http://www.bullfort.com
тел. 8-(727)3894407, 8-7471211292

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СообщениеДобавлено: 14 янв 2012, 19:24 
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Зарегистрирован: 27 июл 2008, 02:46
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Откуда: г.Гомель
Самые здоровые щенки бульдога,
полученные самым гуманным способом

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СообщениеДобавлено: 15 янв 2012, 11:38 
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Зарегистрирован: 23 апр 2010, 16:50
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С уважением, Ниткина Юлия, пит-к "Apple-Jully"
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